Dad's Last Letter
You haven’t been feeling well and you go to the doctor. The prognosis – you are terminally ill with pancreatic cancer. And then your doctor tells you, “Don’t ask me how I know this, but you will be dead in 24 hours.”
What would you do if you knew you only had 24 hours left to live?
In the book Dad’s Last Letter, William Lancaster is faced with that very decision. A short novel that doubles as a book on leadership, Bud Boughton’s second book has earned a 5-Star rating on and has inspired countless people who have read it. Interestingly, as much as it is a book on leadership, Dad’s Last Letter is an inspirational story about fatherly love and the Christian faith. In the end, it really is a book about HOPE. You can read a review about the book on myshelf. You can also listen to Bud talk about the book on Growing Bolder.