And the daily meditation from Charles F. Stanley read as follows… Though Jesus could stop the storm, oftentimes He doesn’t. Isn’t that the issue that makes us all struggle? If He is God and He is good – and He is – then why would He allow all the difficult things we have to face? […]
Click here to read the entire articleTag Archives: Covid-19
There is Hope for a Better Tomorrow
What Can We Learn from the COVID-19 Numbers? Lately I have been struggling with the newscasts I watch. All I seem to get is 25 minutes of scary, negative news about COVID-19 only to end the broadcast with a 30-second ‘feel good’ piece showing people riding by a hospital honking their horns and holding signs […]
Click here to read the entire articleLearning from the stages of grief
Learning from the stages of grief When I was in graduate school (1975), I signed up for a Health Science class entitled, “On Death and Dying.” I’ll never forget our professor telling us on the first day of class, “Whether you like it or not, death is the common denominator for us all. We are […]
Click here to read the entire articleWhat really matters, Part 2
Back in December 2019, I wrote a blog entitled “What Really Matters?” I wanted to ask that question for a number of reasons but mainly because I knew 2020 would be a tumultuous year in this country. Lack of employee engagement in the workplace, generational differences, mental health issues, the rising number of teen suicides […]
Click here to read the entire articleMaking the right call
As a certified sports official with both USA Hockey and US Lacrosse for over 10 years, whenever I have skated onto the ice or run onto the field to officiate a game, I have always been focused on one thing – Making the Right Call! Other than keeping the kids safe and hopefully providing an […]
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