For some strange reason, I think about it every fall. Should I, would I, ever consider trying to run one more marathon? I know. It sounds pretty stupid when you consider I am now 71 years old and while considered “active” for my age group, I have not run consistently for at least 10 years. […]
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My Open Letter on Gun Control to ALL Members of Congress
Let me begin by explaining who I am and why I am taking the time to write this letter to every member of Congress. I am an American citizen just days from my 71st birthday. I am a devout Christian (a white male if you care to know) who was raised by wonderful parents (my […]
Click here to read the entire articleHey Mom and Dad what is your end game
Youth sports in America are ‘Big Business.” How big is “big?” Well, consider the following: An estimated 36 million youths age 6-17 participate in youth sports in the U.S Families alone spend at least $30 billion a year on youth sports The average family spends roughly $1,400 on sports activities every year per child with […]
Click here to read the entire articlePaying it forward always beats getting paid
We’ve all heard the expression “Pay it Forward.” Essentially, to ‘pay it forward’ simply means that when someone performs an act of kindness for you, instead of paying that person back directly with a similar act of kindness, you instead perform an act of kindness for someone else. For anyone who has ever engaged in […]
Click here to read the entire articlewhat really matters revisited
Upon special request, this blog originally published in 2020 is being re-released with slight revisions in March, 2022. Back in 2009, over a decade ago, Simon Sinek brought new awareness to TED Talks with his famous How Great Leaders Inspire Action presentation. In Sinek’s talk he explained that as corporate entities, we communicate well what […]
Click here to read the entire articleFaith and the Road to Victory – What Really Matters – Part III
Back in December 2019, I wrote a blog entitled “What Really Matters?” I asked that question for a number of reasons but mainly because I knew 2020 would be a tumultuous year in this country. Little did I know that 3 months later our world would be turned totally upside down by something called COVID-19. […]
Click here to read the entire articleIn the past we find our future
April 7, 1977. It is my first day as an employee with the IBM Corporation. My manager takes me around the office to meet some other managers and key employees I will need to interface with and then he sits me down in a conference room. He hands me a pile of materials and tells […]
Click here to read the entire articlePractice makes perfect….no it doesn’t!
“Practice makes perfect!” Oh yes indeed, we’ve all heard it and probably countless times. For years and years, teachers, coaches, and yes, parents have used that expression, Practice makes perfect to hopefully inspire higher levels of achievement. But I have to ask, what is this obsession with perfection? Perfection, especially when it comes to one’s […]
Click here to read the entire articleMaking 2021 Your Best Year Ever
Some years ago, a friend introduced me to the “one-word mantra” New Year Tradition. Her explanation for doing this was quite simple. While most New Year’s Resolution(s) rarely last beyond the month of January, she instead suggested choosing a single word to focus on throughout the year. The idea being, it is much easier and […]
Click here to read the entire articleThe Never-Ending Interconnectivity of Faith, Hope and Love
Now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1st Corinthians 13:13 As I write this blog I am waking up to a world of darkness. Sure, the pandemic has been bad, but today, the darkness is real. It cuts. It hurts. For I found out last night that […]
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