For some strange reason, I think about it every fall. Should I, would I, ever consider trying to run one more marathon? I know. It sounds pretty stupid when you consider I am now 71 years old and while considered “active” for my age group, I have not run consistently for at least 10 years. […]
Click here to read the entire articleCategory Archives: life
The Technology Connection to ‘Sense of Self’ and Mental Health
Three years ago, I wrote about this very topic and yet now, I feel more compelled than ever before to write on this subject. Back in 2019 I quoted Nicholas Carr from his controversial article some ten years earlier in The Atlantic Monthly, entitled, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” In the article he suggested that […]
Click here to read the entire articleThe Sequel – Each of Us Needs to Be Our Best 9/12 Self…….Again
Yes, this is the sequel to a previous blog I wrote in January, 2020. At the time, even though I had no idea what was coming (the pandemic), I wrote about many challenges already facing us as a society. Mental health issues (depression, high anxiety, loneliness), ever-increasing suicide rates, our ‘addiction’ to technology and the […]
Click here to read the entire articleA Football Life Lesson We Can All Learn From
Over the years, football has played a major role in my life. I played organized football from 1959 through 1972 and over that period of time, I played in 113 football games (88 wins, 25 losses). Now, at 69 years of age, when I look back on it all and do the math, I realize […]
Click here to read the entire article2020: The Event of Our Lifetime
E + P + R = O Are We Living ‘the Event’ of Our Lifetime? Several years ago in my book, Coaching is Teaching at its Best! I made reference to a unique philosophy of life that is expressed as an alphabetical formula (E + R = O). This philosophy actually has its roots with […]
Click here to read the entire articleBe Brave! Establish A New Identity
Who are you? How do you answer that question? If someone had asked you that question when you were 17 or 18 years old, how would you have answered it? Why do I ask the question? Let me explain. In a recent ZOOM meeting made up of both black and white Christian Businessmen, one of […]
Click here to read the entire articleLove is all we need
If you’ve read any of my blogs, you have come to know that I am a “man of faith.” I am extremely grateful for everything God has given me in this life and as I like to say, I am Beyond Blessed! Many of you who know me on a more personal level, however, also […]
Click here to read the entire articleThere is Hope for a Better Tomorrow
What Can We Learn from the COVID-19 Numbers? Lately I have been struggling with the newscasts I watch. All I seem to get is 25 minutes of scary, negative news about COVID-19 only to end the broadcast with a 30-second ‘feel good’ piece showing people riding by a hospital honking their horns and holding signs […]
Click here to read the entire articleSaying Thank You Is Not Enough
COVID-19. Just four months ago as we entered a new decade, the thought of such a virus disrupting our lives was unimaginable. For the first-time ever in American history, we now find all 50 states under a disaster declaration. The health care system has been stretched beyond its limits and thousands of people have died […]
Click here to read the entire articleLearning from the stages of grief
Learning from the stages of grief When I was in graduate school (1975), I signed up for a Health Science class entitled, “On Death and Dying.” I’ll never forget our professor telling us on the first day of class, “Whether you like it or not, death is the common denominator for us all. We are […]
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