“Pray Constantly” – 1st Thessalonians 5:17 It’s happened again. Oh yeah, and it happened just 10 days before in a supermarket in Buffalo, New York and 5 days later in a California church. But this one, if possible, was even more horrific because it killed 19 innocent, beautiful children in an elementary school. How, why […]
Click here to read the entire articleThe Technology Connection to ‘Sense of Self’ and Mental Health
Three years ago, I wrote about this very topic and yet now, I feel more compelled than ever before to write on this subject. Back in 2019 I quoted Nicholas Carr from his controversial article some ten years earlier in The Atlantic Monthly, entitled, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” In the article he suggested that […]
Click here to read the entire articleHey Mom and Dad what is your end game
Youth sports in America are ‘Big Business.” How big is “big?” Well, consider the following: An estimated 36 million youths age 6-17 participate in youth sports in the U.S Families alone spend at least $30 billion a year on youth sports The average family spends roughly $1,400 on sports activities every year per child with […]
Click here to read the entire articlePaying it forward always beats getting paid
We’ve all heard the expression “Pay it Forward.” Essentially, to ‘pay it forward’ simply means that when someone performs an act of kindness for you, instead of paying that person back directly with a similar act of kindness, you instead perform an act of kindness for someone else. For anyone who has ever engaged in […]
Click here to read the entire articlewhat really matters revisited
Upon special request, this blog originally published in 2020 is being re-released with slight revisions in March, 2022. Back in 2009, over a decade ago, Simon Sinek brought new awareness to TED Talks with his famous How Great Leaders Inspire Action presentation. In Sinek’s talk he explained that as corporate entities, we communicate well what […]
Click here to read the entire articleFaith and the Road to Victory – What Really Matters – Part III
Back in December 2019, I wrote a blog entitled “What Really Matters?” I asked that question for a number of reasons but mainly because I knew 2020 would be a tumultuous year in this country. Little did I know that 3 months later our world would be turned totally upside down by something called COVID-19. […]
Click here to read the entire articleThe Fatherless Home – A National Crisis
According to a 2020 U.S. Census Bureau Report (Living Arrangements of Children Under 18 Years Old – 1960 to Present), over 24 million children in the U.S. (close to 33% of all children), live without a biological, step, or adoptive father in the home. The impact of this dynamic, for all children but especially boys, […]
Click here to read the entire articleGod’s Presence in Shine Moments
When I joined Shine.FM radio in October 2019, I didn’t realize that my part-time Business Development position would be life changing. But, it has been. From the day I joined Shine.FM and began to meet more people from Olivet Nazarene University (Bourbonnais, IL), something became very clear to me – by their example I learned […]
Click here to read the entire articleFinding the “good” in change
And the daily meditation from Charles F. Stanley read as follows… Though Jesus could stop the storm, oftentimes He doesn’t. Isn’t that the issue that makes us all struggle? If He is God and He is good – and He is – then why would He allow all the difficult things we have to face? […]
Click here to read the entire articleIn the past we find our future
April 7, 1977. It is my first day as an employee with the IBM Corporation. My manager takes me around the office to meet some other managers and key employees I will need to interface with and then he sits me down in a conference room. He hands me a pile of materials and tells […]
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